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House of Math blog post authorVibeke Fængsrud · 

The Best Kept Secret in Education!

tutor and student

The "Two Sigma Problem" is a concept introduced by Benjamin Bloom way back in 1984. He found something pretty amazing: when kids got one-on-one tutoring, they did significantly better in their studies. We're talking about the average kid with a tutor beating 98% of the students learning in regular classrooms. That's a monumental.

So, what Bloom was saying is that personal attention in learning is the strongest form of learning. By having a teaching style and pace that's just right for each student, we make it easier for each student to fully grasp topics. The big challenge he threw out there was figuring out how to make this kind of powerful learning happen for everyone, even in normal classrooms where it's one teacher with lots of students. We know this is a tremendous challenge for teachers today, given their infrastructure.

However, at House of Math this is what we are experts in doing. Wether you book a tutor or work with our digital platform, we cater individually to you and your need. Thus by using House of Math you set yourself or your child in a position to succeed and blossom.

Personal Tutor

  • Personal follow-up
  • Customized learning plan
  • Tailored coaching
  • Flexible schedule
  • Online or in person

From - per hour


Video Chat with Tutor

  • Live video chat with tutor
  • 15 minutes express help
  • Open every day
  • Choose between English or Norwegian speaking tutors

- per session


Chat with Tutor

  • 24/7 live chat with tutor
  • Instant math help
  • K-12 curriculum
