Introduction to Complex Numbers

The Imaginary Unit

What is a Complex Number?

A complex number contains both a real and imaginary part and is written in the form z=a+ibz = a + ib. This video explains how complex numbers work with examples.

Activity Set 1

What is a Complex Number?

A complex number contains both a real and imaginary part and is written in the form z=a+ibz = a + ib. This video explains how complex numbers work with examples.

Complex Number

What is a Complex Number?

A complex number contains both a real and imaginary part and is written in the form z=a+ibz = a + ib. This video explains how complex numbers work with examples.

Activity Set 1

What is a Complex Number?

A complex number contains both a real and imaginary part and is written in the form z=a+ibz = a + ib. This video explains how complex numbers work with examples.

Complex Plane

What is a Complex Number?

A complex number contains both a real and imaginary part and is written in the form z=a+ibz = a + ib. This video explains how complex numbers work with examples.

Activity Set 1

What is a Complex Number?

A complex number contains both a real and imaginary part and is written in the form z=a+ibz = a + ib. This video explains how complex numbers work with examples.

Boss Battle

What is a Complex Number?

A complex number contains both a real and imaginary part and is written in the form z=a+ibz = a + ib. This video explains how complex numbers work with examples.