Fractions and the Number Line


What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Unit Fraction

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 1

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 2

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 3

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Fractions on the Number Line

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 1

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Expanding Fractions

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 1

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 2

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 3

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Reducing Fractions

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 1

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 2

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 3

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Simplifying Fractions by Cancelling

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 1

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 2

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 3

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Fully Reduced Fraction

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 1

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 2

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 3

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Rewriting an Integer as a Fraction

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 1

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Converting Improper to Mixed

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 1

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 2

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Converting Mixed into Improper

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 1

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Activity Set 2

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.

Boss Battle

What is a Unit Fraction?

An understanding of unit fractions is vital when you’re using the number line to order the value of fractions. Watch this video to learn more.

Practice your understanding of unit fractions on the next page.