Multiplying Fractions

Multiplication of Fractions

How Do You Cross-Cancel When You Multiply Fractions?

When multiplying fractions, you can use a trick called cross-cancelling to save yourself a lot of time. Watch this video to learn how it works.


How Do You Cross-Cancel When You Multiply Fractions?

When multiplying fractions, you can use a trick called cross-cancelling to save yourself a lot of time. Watch this video to learn how it works.

Activity Set 1

How Do You Cross-Cancel When You Multiply Fractions?

When multiplying fractions, you can use a trick called cross-cancelling to save yourself a lot of time. Watch this video to learn how it works.

Activity Set 2

How Do You Cross-Cancel When You Multiply Fractions?

When multiplying fractions, you can use a trick called cross-cancelling to save yourself a lot of time. Watch this video to learn how it works.

Multiply Fractions by Integers

How Do You Cross-Cancel When You Multiply Fractions?

When multiplying fractions, you can use a trick called cross-cancelling to save yourself a lot of time. Watch this video to learn how it works.

Activity Set 1

How Do You Cross-Cancel When You Multiply Fractions?

When multiplying fractions, you can use a trick called cross-cancelling to save yourself a lot of time. Watch this video to learn how it works.

Fractions of Numbers

How Do You Cross-Cancel When You Multiply Fractions?

When multiplying fractions, you can use a trick called cross-cancelling to save yourself a lot of time. Watch this video to learn how it works.

Activity Set 1

How Do You Cross-Cancel When You Multiply Fractions?

When multiplying fractions, you can use a trick called cross-cancelling to save yourself a lot of time. Watch this video to learn how it works.

Negative Fractions

How Do You Cross-Cancel When You Multiply Fractions?

When multiplying fractions, you can use a trick called cross-cancelling to save yourself a lot of time. Watch this video to learn how it works.

Activity Set 1

How Do You Cross-Cancel When You Multiply Fractions?

When multiplying fractions, you can use a trick called cross-cancelling to save yourself a lot of time. Watch this video to learn how it works.

Boss Battle

How Do You Cross-Cancel When You Multiply Fractions?

When multiplying fractions, you can use a trick called cross-cancelling to save yourself a lot of time. Watch this video to learn how it works.