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Here are some useful keyboard shortcuts in GeoGebra 6 for Mac and Windows:

Mac Shortcuts


Mac Shortcuts

The power of a number

<Base> + alt + <Exponent>

Square root

alt + R + <Number>

Degree ()

alt + O

Adjusting the axis spacing

shift + drag the axis with the cursor


cmd + shift + 4

Show/hide the formulas in Spreadsheet

cmd + D

Windows Shortcuts


Windows Shortcuts

The power of a number

<Base> + alt + <Exponent>

Square root

alt + R + <Number>

Degree ()

alt + O

Adjusting the axis spacing

shift + drag the axis with the cursor


ctrl + PrtScr

Show/hide the formulas in Spreadsheet

ctrl + D


In order to choose how many decimals are displayed in a number, first click GeoGebra icon Menu, then PIC Gear (Settings), and finally Rounding. In the drop-down list, select the option you want. If you want to keep the settings for the next time you use GeoGebra, click the Save settings button below.

Last updated: January 15, 2022

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