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House of Math blog post authorVibeke Fængsrud · 

The Power of Singapore Math

Singapore math

At House of Math we use a variety of methods to teach you the math you want and/or need to learn. One of the methods that we include in our endeavor to make you as good at math as you want is Singapore math. It is a teaching method based on the national mathematics curriculum used for kindergarten through sixth grade in Singapore. This approach has gained international recognition and has been adopted in various schools around the world.

Key characteristics of Singapore Math include:

  • Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract Approach: This is a core component of Singapore Math. Students first deal with concrete objects (like blocks or dice) to understand a concept. They then move on to pictorial representations (such as diagrams and charts), before finally dealing with abstract concepts (like mathematical formulas).
  • Focus on Mastery: Unlike curricula that encourage a superficial understanding of a wide range of topics, Singapore Math focuses deeply on a limited number of topics but ensures thorough mastery of each before moving on.
  • Problem Solving as a Central Element: Singapore Math places a strong emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking, encouraging students to apply their mathematical knowledge to real-world situations.
  • Model Drawing: This is a strategy used in Singapore Math for solving word problems. It involves drawing bar models to represent known and unknown quantities, helping students visualize and solve complex problems.
  • Less Rote Memorization: While memorization of basic arithmetic is still a component, Singapore Math emphasizes understanding the reasoning behind mathematical processes over rote memorization.
  • Sequential Learning: Each concept is built on those previously taught, and concepts are integrated across different areas of mathematics. This ensures a cohesive learning experience where previous knowledge is continually applied and expanded upon.
  • Focus on Number Sense and Mental Math: Singapore Math curriculum stresses the development of strong number sense and the ability to make mental calculations.

The success of Singapore Math can be partly attributed to the high performance of Singaporean students in international assessments such as the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). As a result, its methods have been adopted and adapted in various schools around the globe, particularly in the United States. Though this is only one of many methods we draw upon for you to reach your goal, we thought it would be interesting for you to get a deeper insight.

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