Negative Numbers

What Is a Negative Number?

How Do You Order Negative Numbers?

Just like positive numbers, you order negative numbers on a number line. The further to the left a number is placed, the smaller it is. Watch this video to learn more.

Number Line

How Do You Order Negative Numbers?

Just like positive numbers, you order negative numbers on a number line. The further to the left a number is placed, the smaller it is. Watch this video to learn more.

Activity Set 1

How Do You Order Negative Numbers?

Just like positive numbers, you order negative numbers on a number line. The further to the left a number is placed, the smaller it is. Watch this video to learn more.

Activity Set 2

How Do You Order Negative Numbers?

Just like positive numbers, you order negative numbers on a number line. The further to the left a number is placed, the smaller it is. Watch this video to learn more.

Activity Set 3

How Do You Order Negative Numbers?

Just like positive numbers, you order negative numbers on a number line. The further to the left a number is placed, the smaller it is. Watch this video to learn more.

The Minus Sign

How Do You Order Negative Numbers?

Just like positive numbers, you order negative numbers on a number line. The further to the left a number is placed, the smaller it is. Watch this video to learn more.

Activity Set 1

How Do You Order Negative Numbers?

Just like positive numbers, you order negative numbers on a number line. The further to the left a number is placed, the smaller it is. Watch this video to learn more.

Boss Battle

How Do You Order Negative Numbers?

Just like positive numbers, you order negative numbers on a number line. The further to the left a number is placed, the smaller it is. Watch this video to learn more.