Negative Numbers

What Is a Negative Number?

What Does the Minus Sign Tell You?

In math, the minus sign can mean two things: either that a number is negative, or that you need to subtract a number from another. Learn more in this video.

Number Line

What Does the Minus Sign Tell You?

In math, the minus sign can mean two things: either that a number is negative, or that you need to subtract a number from another. Learn more in this video.

Activity Set 1

What Does the Minus Sign Tell You?

In math, the minus sign can mean two things: either that a number is negative, or that you need to subtract a number from another. Learn more in this video.

Activity Set 2

What Does the Minus Sign Tell You?

In math, the minus sign can mean two things: either that a number is negative, or that you need to subtract a number from another. Learn more in this video.

Activity Set 3

What Does the Minus Sign Tell You?

In math, the minus sign can mean two things: either that a number is negative, or that you need to subtract a number from another. Learn more in this video.

The Minus Sign

What Does the Minus Sign Tell You?

In math, the minus sign can mean two things: either that a number is negative, or that you need to subtract a number from another. Learn more in this video.

Activity Set 1

What Does the Minus Sign Tell You?

In math, the minus sign can mean two things: either that a number is negative, or that you need to subtract a number from another. Learn more in this video.

Boss Battle

What Does the Minus Sign Tell You?

In math, the minus sign can mean two things: either that a number is negative, or that you need to subtract a number from another. Learn more in this video.