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It is easy to find distances between points, lines and planes in GeoGebra. The only thing that requires a little extra work is finding the distance between a line and a plane. To find this distance, you need to find a point on the line, and insert this point using the instructions below for the distance between a point, and a point, line, or plane. This is similar to the method of doing so by hand.

GeoGebra Instruction 1

Distance Between a Point and a Point, Line or Plane

Open Algebra View and 3D Graphics under GeoGebra icon View in GeoGebra icon Menu.
Enter your point and the other object (a second point, line, or plane)

Note! To use a line, it must be entered with the Line command.


Distance(<point>, <object>)

in Algebra View. Fill in your point for <point> and the point, line or plane for <object>.

The distance is now shown in Algebra View.

Screenshot of GeoGebra showing a point and a plane, and how to find the distance

GeoGebra Instruction 2

Distance Between Two Lines

Open Algebra View and 3D Graphics under GeoGebra icon View in GeoGebra icon Menu.
Enter both of your lines using the Line command. This command has to be used in order for the Distance command to work in the next step.

Distance(<line>, <line>)

Fill in the names of the two lines.

The distance is now shown in Algebra View.

Screenshot of GeoGebra showing two lines and how to find the distance

GeoGebra Instruction 3

Distance Between Two Planes

Open Algebra View and 3D Graphics under GeoGebra icon View in GeoGebra icon Menu.
Enter both of your planes, either by using the commands in the entry about lines and planes, or by defining them in Algebra View using their equations.

Distance(<plane>, <plane>)

Fill in the names of the two planes.

The distance is now shown in Algebra View.

Screenshot of GeoGebra showing two planes and how to find the distance

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