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There are two ways to make a bar chart in GeoGebra. The first way is to use a list of observations, which is the easir of the two. The second way is to use a frequency table.

GeoGebra Instruction 1

Bar Chart from a List of Observations

Open Algebra View, Graphics View and Spreadsheet mode under GeoGebra icon View in GeoGebra icon Menu.
Enter all your observations into column A.
Mark all your observations and select the One Variable Analysis GeoGebra icon tool.
You’ll get a new window with a histogram. GeoGebra displays a histogram by default, so you need to select Bar Chart from the drop-down list at top of the window.
Click Copy to Graphics View PIC to move the chart to Graphics View. You can also change its properties by right-clicking and choosing Settings.

Screenshot of GeoGebra showing a bar chart

GeoGebra Instruction 2

Bar Chart from Frequency Table

Open Algebra View, Graphics View and Spreadsheet under GeoGebra icon View in GeoGebra icon Menu.
Enter all your values in column A.
Make a list by highlighting all your values and clicking List GeoGebra icon . In the pop-up-window, change Name to Data and click OK.
Enter all your frequencies in column B.
Make a list by highlighting all your frequencies and clicking List GeoGebra icon . In the pop-up-window, change Name to Frequencies and click OK.
In Algebra View, type

BarChart(<List of Data>, <List of Frequencies>)

and replace <List of Data> with Data, and <List of Frequencies> with Frequencies.

The bar chart will now be displayed in Algebra View.

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