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You can use Spreadsheet mode in GeoGebra to make frequency tables. After you make a frequency table in Spreadsheet mode, it will appear in Graphics View. You can move it to wherever you want later, by dragging it with the cursor.

Even though GeoGebra can make frequency tables for you, it’s often more convenient to use Excel .

GeoGebra Instruction 1

Make a Frequency Table

Open Algebra View, Graphics View and Spreadsheet under GeoGebra icon View in GeoGebra icon Menu.
Enter all your observations in column A in Spreadsheet mode.
Make a GeoGebra list of your observations by marking them in Spreadsheet mode and click on List GeoGebra icon in Toolbar. In the pop-up window, change Name to “Observations” and click OK.
Enter the command

FrequencyTable(<List of Raw Data>, <Scale Factor (optional)>)

in Input Bar. Insert “Observations” in <List of Raw Data>. Set Scale Factor (optional) to 1.

GeoGebra Instruction 2

Find the Number of Observations

If you quickly want to count the number of observations you have, mark the cells you have filled in.
Click Count GeoGebra icon in Toolbar. The number of observations will appear in a new row below your observations in Spreadsheet mode.

Screenshot of GeoGebra showing a frequency table

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